Fractional Shares Trading by the “Most Disruptive Company of the Year”

Successful launch of a revolutionary “Product of the Year” stock trading platform.


Launch a revolutionary new equity stock trading platform for retail investors.


The client wanted to create a trading platform that would be fun, easy, and affordable. The platform needed to deliver their mission to help new investors learn about stock trading in a low risk and low-cost environment. Their goal was to make Wall Street accessible to a wider Main Street audience. The product design included online brokerage accounts, plus gifts of stocks delivered via gift cards and e-cards.


In pursuit of their mission, the client had to build a platform attracting younger and lower net worth investors to equity trading but at the same time avoid raising regulatory red flags or generating negative press. Given their business model and plans for growth, they had to create a cost-efficient operational system, but with a complex product design including custodial accounts for minors, shares of stock in the form of gift cards and e-cards, fractional trading, and other areas that required a clear regulatory strategy.

InnReg's Solution

  • Designed and deployed a compliance platform that supported accurate transactions at high speed and with a high level of information security.

  • Advised on the negotiation of profitable vendor contracts, including a multi-year clearing agreement.

Client Results

  • Raised $15 million in Series A funding after their successful launch and positive press.

  • Stock shares delivered via gift cards contributed an incremental $50 million in revenue from sales at partnering national retail outlets such as Target, Safeway, and Staples.

  • Won numerous awards in fintech trade publications including Product of the Year and Most Disruptive Company.

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