Broker-Dealers Compliance


FINRA Branch Office Inspection Template and Checklist

Oct 18, 2023




9 min read


The FINRA branch office inspection process is critical to a comprehensive risk management program that safeguards investors and the firm’s interests.

In the United States, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulate broker-dealers.

These regulatory bodies require that broker-dealers register and inspect their branch offices.

Subject-matter experts with decades of experience wrote this analysis, not freelance copywriters, third-party agencies, or AI-based tools. Our compliance advisors assisted multiple Broker-Dealers through branch office inspections.

FINRA Branch Office Inspection
FINRA Branch Office Inspection
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What is a Broker-Dealer Branch Office?

A broker-dealer branch office is a separate location from the main office of a registered broker-dealer, where one or more associated employees function as a broker or dealer.

All branch offices must comply with the same regulatory requirements as the main office, including maintaining proper record-keeping and procedures, meeting net capital requirements, being supervised by a qualified principal, and being subject to FINRA branch office inspections.

The definition and requirements for a branch office can vary by jurisdiction, so it's important for broker-dealers to understand the specific regulations in their location.

What is The Difference Between a Broker-Dealer's Main and Branch Offices?

A broker-dealer's main and branch offices essentially perform similar functions in dealing with clients, providing investment advice, and executing trades. However, some differences in responsibilities and structure could exist between a main office and a branch office:

Administration and Oversight

Main Office: Handles key decisions, strategy, and regulatory compliance for the broker-dealer.

Branch Office: Ensures branch offices follow all rules.


Main Office: Manages broader operations like partnerships, M&As, risk management, and compliance.

Branch Office: Focuses on day-to-day activities like buying and selling securities, giving financial advice, and handling client accounts.

Hierarchy and Control

Main Office: Has larger hierarchies and more control.

Branch Office: Operates with some autonomy.

Human Resources and Training

Main Office: Handles HR tasks like hiring and training and provides support to branch offices.

Branch Office: n/a

Regulatory Reporting

Main Office: Handles firm-wide regulatory reporting to ensure branch offices comply with regulatory rules (e.g., FINRA, SEC).

Branch Office: n/a

Remember, these differences are generalizations, and the exact responsibilities of a main office versus a branch office can vary based on firm size, structure, and broker-dealer practices.

The Roles of FINRA and the SEC in Regulating Branch Offices

FINRA and the SEC are essential U.S. financial regulators with distinct roles in protecting investors and market integrity, including overseeing broker-dealer branch offices.

What is the Role of FINRA in Branch Office Inspection?

FINRA, as a self-regulatory organization (SRO), regulates member brokerage firms and exchange markets. FINRA enforces ethical rules for broker-dealer firms and registered brokers, including branch offices. Its key responsibilities related to branch offices include:

  • Licensing and registration

  • Conducting compliance inspections

  • Rule enforcement

  • Application of penalties for violations

  • Education

What is the Role of SEC in Branch Office Inspection?

As a government agency, the SEC enforces federal securities laws and regulates various aspects of the securities industry. In the context of branch offices, the SEC:

  • Enforces federal securities laws

  • Conducts inspections

  • Oversees SROs like FINRA

  • Coordinates regulations with other authorities

While the SEC has ultimate authority over FINRA, they work together to ensure that broker-dealer branch offices comply with the law and serve investors' interests.

How Often is a Branch Office Inspected?

FINRA Rule 3110(c)(1) requires each member to conduct a review, at least annually (on a calendar year basis), of the businesses in which it engages.

For their various branch locations, here's how often members should conduct on-site inspections:

  1. Office of Supervisory Jurisdictions (OSJs) and non-OSJ branches that oversee non-branch locations should be inspected annually.

  2. Non-supervising branch offices must be inspected every three years.

  3. Non-branch offices should also be inspected, but the frequency can be less than three years. This depends on factors like the nature and complexity of the branch’s securities business, the volume of business done, and the number of associated persons assigned to each branch.

FINRA branch office inspections can be scheduled or unscheduled and cover various compliance areas, including sales practices, record-keeping, anti-money laundering programs, etc. 

How Often is a Branch Office Inspected?

What Are the FINRA Branch Office Inspection Requirements?

Both FINRA and the SEC conduct broker-dealer branch office inspections as part of their regulatory responsibilities. These routine examinations, sometimes called “audits,” are designed to verify a firm’s compliance with industry rules and regulations.

FINRA branch office inspections are critical to helping firms uncover the nature and extent of outside business activities conducted by registered branch office personnel. Such activities can pose additional risks as customers may perceive them as integral to the firm's operations.

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What are the Types of FINRA Branch Office Inspections?

FINRA branch office inspections fall into two main types: internal and external.

Internal Branch Office Inspections

Individuals with knowledge and experience conduct internal inspections to assess branch activities. Senior personnel, like the Chief Compliance Officer, are typically entrusted to oversee this process . Inspection procedures are designed to prevent conflicts of interest that could compromise inspections due to an examiner’s interest in the branch or associated individuals.

Internal inspections aim to identify and address potential compliance issues before they escalate and can be executed either on-site or remotely.

The process generally involves a detailed review of various aspects of branch office operations.


  • Creating a schedule for the inspection

  • Determining the scope of the inspection

  • Identifying key areas to review based on past inspections, recent regulatory changes, or areas of risk.

Document Review

  • Reviewing documents and records

  • Examining transactions, client communications, financial records, and compliance files

  • Verifying record completeness and accuracy

  • Ensuring adherence to document retention policies.


  • Conducting interviews with branch office personnel

  • Gaining insights into procedures and controls

  • Understanding the compliance culture

  • Identifying potential issues.


  • Directly observing branch operations

  • Gaining a better understanding of daily procedures

  • Observing interactions with clients.

Reporting and Follow-up

  • Preparing a detailed report of inspection findings

  • Identifying compliance issues

  • Providing recommendations for remediation

  • Conducting follow-up inspections or actions to address identified issues.


External FINRA Branch Office Inspections

Regulatory bodies like FINRA or the SEC conduct external inspections. The inspection procedure can be similar to internal inspections, with a few additional steps:


  • In some cases, the regulatory body notifies the branch office of the upcoming inspection, typically through email.

  • Surprise or "unannounced" inspections can also occur without prior notification.

Onsite Visit

  • Inspectors from the regulatory body visit the branch office.

  • They may review documents, observe operations, and interview branch personnel to understand the branch's business and compliance procedures.

Examination of Key Areas

  • Regulatory inspections focus on adherence to securities laws and regulations. This may include reviewing sales practices, handling customer complaints, anti-money laundering procedures, record-keeping, and financial operations.

Report and Potential Enforcement Actions

  • After the inspection, the regulatory body issues a report of its findings.

  • If the regulatory body finds securities laws or regulations violations, they may take enforcement actions.

  • Enforcement actions can include fines, sanctions, or even license revocation, depending on the severity of the violation.

Corrective Measures

  • The branch office is typically required to take corrective measures to address any compliance issues identified during the inspection.

  • The regulatory body may conduct follow-up inspections to verify the branch office has properly addressed these issues.

In both types of inspections, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the branch office adheres to all applicable laws and regulations, maintains accurate and complete records, and upholds its duties to protect investors.

Need urgent support for FINRA Branch Office Inspection? Contact the InnReg team, experts in broker-dealer compliance.

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Key Advice for the Branch Supervisor

The ever-evolving regulatory landscape places increasing demands on branch supervisors, as evidenced by FINRA’s extensive Written Supervisory Procedures Review Checklist (WSP checklist).

A well-structured FINRA branch office inspection program serves two critical purposes:

  1. It is an essential component for ensuring the firm's compliance with regulatory requirements outlined in Section 15(b)(4)(E) of the Securities Exchange Act and FINRA rules, particularly regarding its branch offices and personnel.

  2. It enables the firm to validate the accuracy of its surveillance findings in branch offices and gather on-site information to enhance ongoing branch management from a business and risk management standpoint.

Firms that excel in the inspection process and those with substantial branch inspection challenges often exhibit the following characteristics:


FINRA Branch Office Inspection Template and Checklist for Broker-Dealers

A standard FINRA branch office inspection template and checklist includes the following items:

Documentation and Record-Keeping

  1. Ensure accurate and complete records of all transactions

  2. Check for proper maintenance of customer account information

  3. Review correspondence with customers for compliance with regulations

  4. Confirm adherence to document retention policies

Documents and Platforms to Review

  • Data from surveillance systems that identify alert patterns by individual or alert.

  • Heightened supervision plans

  • Gift and Non-Cash Compensation Logs

  • E-Mail Correspondence File

  • Any phone book listings or phone book advertisements for any location, with a copy of company approval

  • Office sharing arrangements

  • Access to all client files

Sales Practices and Procedures

  1. Review procedures for executing trades

  2. Check for any unauthorized or excessive trading

  3. Confirm that suitable recommendations are being made based on customers' financial situations, investment objectives, and risk tolerance

  4. Examine any sales of complex or high-risk products

Documents and Platforms to Review

  • Copy of the previous three months of any Checking Account(s) used to pay commissions or fees as well as operating expenses

  • Check Blotter

  • Daily Sales Blotter

  • Securities Received Blotter

Compliance and Supervision

  1. Confirm current appropriate supervisory procedures

  2. Check for any previous compliance issues and their resolution

  3. Confirm that the branch is complying with all relevant FINRA and SEC rules and regulations

Documents and Platforms to Review

  • List of Discretionary Accounts

  • List of Private Securities Transactions

  • Annual Attestation

  • Form U4 and Form BR

  • Complaints and/or Regulatory Inquiries

  • Disciplinary action and/or consequence management

  • Previous years' branch audits

  • Compliance Policies, Procedures, and Operations Manual(s)

  • Fee/Billing Errors and how they were corrected for the previous year

  • Supervision file (requirement for OSJ branches)

  • Code of Ethics files, including Annual Holdings and employee trading account reviews

  • List of personal accounts where you are a direct or indirect owner or have limited power of attorney

  • Copy of previous regulatory audit (SEC, State) and resolution of deficiencies

  • Outside business activities

Financial Management

  1. Review the branch's handling of customer funds and securities

  2. Check for compliance with net capital and reserve requirements

  3. Confirm the accuracy of financial reporting

Training and Licensing

  1. Confirm that all personnel are properly licensed for their roles

  2. Review training programs to ensure they are up-to-date and comprehensive

  3. Check that employees are aware of and understand their compliance responsibilities

Customer Complaints

  1. Check procedures for handling and resolving customer complaints

  2. Review records of customer complaints and their resolution

Marketing and Advertising

  1. Review advertising and promotional materials for compliance with regulations

  2. Confirm procedures for approval of marketing materials

Documents and Platforms to Review

  • Social media sites

  • Websites

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Procedures

  1. Check that the branch has appropriate AML procedures in place

  2. Review any suspicious activity reports

Broker-Dealer Branch Office Inspection Template and Checklist

Remember, this is a general template, and the specific requirements for all branch office inspections can vary significantly based on various factors. Tailor your inspection to your branch office’s specific risks and operations.

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Navigating Regulatory Complexities Through Effective Branch Office Inspections

Maintaining a high level of vigilance in broker-dealer operations is essential when conducting FINRA branch office inspections. The supervisory techniques gleaned from SEC and FINRA examinations stand as exemplars of effective inspection procedures, emphasizing the value of unannounced onsite visits.

While a well-designed inspection program is undeniably critical, it represents just one aspect of overseeing a firm's branch offices and personnel.

Branch supervisors are confronting mounting regulatory pressures, with a spotlight on FINRA's WSP checklist. Consequently, a meticulously structured branch office inspection program lies at the heart of effective compliance and risk management.

A thorough inspection program validates surveillance findings, enhances branch management, and functions as a comprehensive guide, encompassing critical areas such as documentation and sales practices.

Remember that testing programs and similar initiatives must be meticulously tailored to suit the unique characteristics of each branch. Such a customized approach serves a dual purpose: it demonstrates to regulators the firm's competence in effectively addressing both branch-specific and overarching risks while ensuring that the compliance framework remains adaptable in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.

Want to create the best testing program for your broker-dealer Branch Office Inspection?

InnReg's compliance experts specialize in crafting tailored branch office testing programs designed to fit your firm's unique needs. By asking the right questions, we swiftly identify critical areas for attention and review. Get in touch with us at for agile, reasonable, and fully compliant support.

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How Can InnReg Help?

InnReg is a global regulatory compliance and operations consulting team serving financial services companies since 2013.

We are especially effective at launching and scaling fintechs with innovative compliance strategies and delivering cost-effective managed services, assisted by proprietary regtech solutions.

If you need help with broker-dealer compliance, reach out to our regulatory experts today:

Published on Oct 17, 2023


Last updated on Oct 18, 2023

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