Fintech Compliance: Full-Stack and Full-Service

Fintechs face a high degree of complexity with regulatory compliance. It's a challenging area when you are not an expert in the underlying topics.

InnReg's comprehensive Guide helps fintech founders understand the full stack of compliance-related activities. The Guide provides insights to help fintech leadership understand the differences between compliance consultants and full-service compliance providers.

Key points:

  • What is the key difference between compliance consultants and full-service providers?

  • What are the eight must-have elements of a compliance stack for a financial services innovator? The foundational layers of the compliance stack create a stable structure for the next level of elements in the stack.

  • Three typical compliance examples. They illustrate the need for a compliance stack for financial innovators in a variety of financial services niches.

  • What does a full-service provider offer that the in-house hire can't? With full-service provider firms, fintechs benefit from deeper and wider regulatory expertise than the typical in-house resource.

  • What to look for from a full-service compliance partner. 11 most critical requirements a fintech founder or CEO should keep in mind when evaluating and hiring a full-service Compliance Partner.

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